How to Improve the Effectiveness of Your Email Marketing

Everyone who has a job of attracting the attention of potential customers knows, that the task gets more and more difficult with every year. The reason is simple: people have developed the immunity to advertising. This is why modern companies are doing their best to keep the old customers, and always looking for ways to increase their loyalty. E-mail marketing can be a very effective tool to achieve it.
Actually, there are a lot of people who already proclaimed email marketing dead because of overfilled boxes that ‘no one reads’. But let’s look at the numbers and not on opinions. According to the research made by Capterra:
- 89% of marketers say email is their first tool for lead generation – they would not proclaim it if emailing didn’t produce a profit.
- 58% of adults check their email first thing in the morning.
Facts speak for themselves, right? Clearly there is a way to integrate email marketing into your business strategy and make it an effective tool. According to Entrepreneur people get 121 email newsletters every day. Keep in mind, that people do not read all the emails and they definitely don’t read the ones they consider not interesting. So here is the first conclusion: the mail should evoke the desire to open it.
But improving open rate is not enough, if you want to sell your services or goods. If the main purpose of your campaign is not only to provide information, but also to commercialize your offer, you should make your recipients visit the page with such offer and to make a purchase. And here is the conclusion #2: you definitely should work on increasing the click-through rate on the links inserted in your newsletter.
So, now you have two conclusions and it’s time for some real action. We offer you a checklist with steps to improve the effectiveness of your email campaign:
- If you send your newsletters from the email addresses like be sure that your servers and your domain are not under spam filtering. Filters can lead your campaign to failure, if no one sees your email in the box. People do not check the box “Spam”.
- All your mailing lists should contain names and addresses of your subscribers which personally agreed to receive your newsletters. Otherwise there is a big probability that a recipient will mark your letter as a spam. How to collect your mailing list? You can collect contacts via a sign-up form in FB and every social account you use to communicate with your customers and would-be customers, a link in your personal email signature, sign-up form on your website etc.
- Do not miss the opportunity to incentivize your subscribers to purchase by making special offers on holidays, informing your subscribers on your participation in Black Friday or on the beginning of the sales. Always keep track of important dates!
- Segment your audience and personalize your offers. If your email agent does not allow to segment your subscribers, ask your programmer to do it, basing upon defined criterions such as product usage, demographics, gender and other indicators you consider important. All depends on your business. Making personal offers for loyal customers can notably increase your revenue. Let your clients feel you care about them and promote only products they need. So you see, personalization is not just a phrase “Dear Mr. Peter Smith” in the beginning of the letter: today with the help of e-solutions we can analyze big data. Use technologies!
- If a user added products in the cart and closed a page without finishing a purchase, you can get him back by sending him a reminder.
- Follow the rule: your emails should consist 80% of useful information and 20% – advertisement. This means that the biggest part of your newsletters should contain interesting content and not just commercial offers. Share tutorials, news, everything that creates an impression of you as an expert in the area.
- Do not forget to create a very captivating title of your email to attract attention of recipient to evoke the desire to open it.
- By the way, it is highly recommended to create a bright design and to write a clear text to present your offer in the most attractable way. Work on the layout properly!
- Check that your email is optimized for all devices so any user could read it on the desktop, on the phone or on the tablet.
- The time and day of sending. It is better to make B2B proposal, as well as entertainment promotion, from 5 to 7 p.m. Experts advise to send regular emails on Thursday. But every marketer has already learnt this by heart, and probably because of this reason our boxes are always overfilled with different offers on Thursday. So you’d better make some tests.
Did this article help you? There is an easy way to check it. Create your first email right now, you’ll see how simple this is. After everything we told you, we can only wish you high conversions! Good luck!