Great Examples of Native Ads

All of us are terribly tired of the hype that has plagued us almost on every site, and the native advertising can be a breath of fresh air, which is lacking in the musty, crowded world of internet banners.
Therefore, the main goal while creating native advertising – to provide the user with high quality and really useful information and not to bother him to spend time on the Internet as he wants.
When native advertising is done with high quality and has a rational connection with the brand, publisher or reader, it has much more likely to please users, as well as have a positive impact on the development of the company.
One of the best examples of native advertising is an article published on Buzzfeed – «11 impossibly cool facts you may not know about your eyes”. The content is relevant to the brand (company sells contact lenses), also there are presented some facts that are really interesting and worthy of attention. Readers were not surprised to find among the sponsors ACUVUE article, but was pleasantly surprised that they are interested in the material published by the company.
Choosing a platform largely determines whether readers read an article till the end or not. In this case, ACUVUE made a right choice using an advertising platform Buzzfeed, because its readers not accustomed to advertising and, as a result, are more tolerant to the content of articles.
Let’s consider another example of a successful use of native advertising, in this case – in journalism.
The New York Times published an article sponsored by Netflix. The article deals with the problems of women in prison – the same themes as in the TV series: honest, frank, based on real events.
In this case, the native advertising made sense because it was attractive for the audience that liked the article, and to show the audience. And all this was done to correct the selected site. This content was informative, and at the same time its content was not a simple advertisement.
By the 45th anniversary of the moon landing of Americans an online edition Supercompressor, which writes about everything that young men should know, has published (specially for GE) some articles about the history of the event, for example, “11 facts about the Apollo program, which you did not know.” The purpose of publishing was to talk about the importance of GE in 1969 missions.
The highlight of the campaign was the launch on the market a limited collection of “space” sneakers from General Electric, and the author was also mentioned, of course.
Trainers were sold out within seven minutes. Subsequent bids on eBay have raised the price of a pair of shoes from a limited collection of up to 2 thousand dollars.